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Guidelines For Pre And Post-Operative Plastic Surgery Care

Plastic Surgery CareSo, you have made the decision to go under the knife after you bumped into a friend at a party who is flaunting her perfectly slender legs in that red, long slit dress and are tempted to get that look yourself. Or you dread waking up to a flawed nose and ugly cheekbones every day or perhaps you just lost oodles of weight and not regret the same every time you look at those unwanted stretch marks on your breast, arms, hips and legs that make you feel undesirable! Cosmetic enhancement is something which is spreading among people like fire and most of them become happy with the results they get.

Getting a surgery done however, needs a set of precautions which must be followed against all odds, both before and after the incision. So, if you planning to get a cosmetic surgery done, here is what you should know.

Be Well Planned

Fix the date of the surgery well in advance to ensure a hassle free process. Make sure you have taken sufficient consultation from your surgeon before the surgery and have kept the stock of everything which would be required post surgery ready. Planning always gives you an edge in situation, especially when it comes to medical issues that are so prone to crisis and emergency!

Check if you have a tattoo or a tan on that particular part and try to get that removed in order to avoid any reactions. Also, chuck any fasting or detox ritual if you are following one and get off that yo-yo diet at least a week before the surgery.

Pre and Post-Surgery Discipline

Get ready to take a sabbatical from alcohol and cigarettes. Okay, it could be hard though it would be worth the skin you get after the surgery. Smoking and alcohol consumption limit the oxygen supply to the body and turns the blood circulation sluggish. If you really wish to pump up your recovery process and boost healing capacity of your body, do not think twice. Just QUIT ADDICTIVES! Also, keep those lip smacking red meat steaks, donuts, pastries, ice creams, aerated drinks, pasta, noodles and burgers at bay before and after the surgery. Unless of course you wish to throw your million bucks in vain!

Pre and Post-Surgery Precautions

  • For a smooth surgical process, consult the doctor and see if any medication is required to manage the blood pressure or blood sugar levels.
  • A couple of weeks prior to the surgery, avoid using herbal skin lotions
  • Stop consuming food items such as garlic and ginger as they increase bleeding.
  • It is also recommended to avoid taking tablets such as aspirins, ibuprofen, etc. However, essential drugs can be continued till your doctor recommends a ‘Pause’.
  • Intake of vitamin E directly or through supplements should also be avoided as it increases bleeding time as well as bruising.
  • See if you are allergic to any specific medicine and let your surgeon know that before surgery.
  • Do not indulge in strenuous exercises after the surgery and limit your activity to walking after some time passes.

However, post surgery, the entire scenario changes. Your doctor will recommend several medicines which will be immediately administered through intravenous or oral method. And post discharge another set of medicines will be prescribed which as mentioned above you need to stock beforehand. These medicines include pain killers, sleeping pills, anti-swelling creams and antibiotics.

Post-Surgery Diet

  • Post surgery, eat a wholesome and nutritious diet which includes apples, whole grains, lettuce spinach and broccoli which are rich in Vitamin A and B. These typically enhance the healing process significantly.
  • Have strawberries, blue berries, grapes and bananas which are rich in Vitamin C, E and anti-oxidants to strengthen immunity against diseases and infections after surgery.
  • Increase your omega 3 intakes by consuming salmon, tuna, almonds, walnuts and food cooked in olive oil.
  • Having green tea speed up the healing process brilliantly.

Post-Surgery Clothing

Pre and post-surgery, mainly piercing or cosmetic implants which refuse to disentangle, pay attention to your clothing. Implants need medical supervision. It has to be removed long before the surgery. Some of the things which need to be avoided post surgery are; tight fitting clothes, jewelry, harmful cosmetics and makeup. In fact doctors recommend loose cotton pants, cotton knit pullover, tops and in some cases even shorts.

Pre and Post Surgery Exercise

Okay, it is quite natural for you to crave some physical exercise after your surgery; however strenuous activities could cut open the wound again making healing all the more devastating! You should also watch your weight as sudden weight gain could also strain the parts of the body which have been incised. Walking is considered to be the best work out post surgery.

Avoid getting multiple surgeries at shorter time intervals and make sure you are resting enough after the incision is over. Allow your body to heal and recuperate as going under the knife could take a toll on your physical as well as emotional well-being. But the end result is usually worth all the pain. Make sure you consult the doctor if pain or bleeding persists.

Author Bio

Nelson Homes is a blogger for Hall and Wrye. For more information visit hallandwrye.com/body/body-lift.htm. He likes to blog for beauty and skin care related topics.In his free time likes to research on various cosmetic surgery procedures.

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