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How to clean your kidney naturally

Clean your kidney naturallyParsley is rich of nutritive elements: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants…

Parsley is mostly known for cleaning our kidney and detoxing our leaver.

Yet, being a powerful green food, it is recommended to mix parsley with other fruits and vegetables.

In fact, the best fruits and vegetables used for detox are:

  • Watermelon: good for kidney cleaning. Choose a watermelon with seeds, it has more benefits than seeds free watermelon.
  • Beet: the beet is an excellent cleaning and detoxifying food, especially for the leaver.
  • Carrots: carrot juice is another powerful cleaner for the body and for kidney stones especially.
  • Cucumber: it is a diuretic that can help eliminate uric acids and dissolve kidney stones

The recipe:

  • 14gr of parsley
  • Juice of 2 lemons (take off the seeds)
  • 1 big cucumber diced
  • Watermelon parts with seeds.

Mix all the ingredients in the blender. Drink immediately!

N.B: pregnant women as well as kidney patients must consult their doctors regarding the quantity of parsley indicated.

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